This past weekend, six of our fellow students and coaches furthered their education with Rob Orlando’s CrossFit Strongman Trainer Course at CrossFit Ethos in Laguna Hills. Four of our women and two men took on the course that included a little lecture and a lot of practice.
The course focuses on eight movements, their points of performance, cues, common faults, and extends into programming, modifications, adaptation theory, and odd lift ideology. They studied tire flips, atlas stones, the keg, the yoke, farmers handles, and the log.
In our GPP program, these odd lifts get as much love as anything else. For us, these tools are just as valuable as any in our arsenal. As some of the most potent, simple training we do, we’d be doing our program a disservice to not include such implements and events. In fact, today’s workout just so happens to include stones.
This past weekend was my first seminar with the strongman coaching staff, too, so there was plenty of newness and excitement coming from everyone in the DEUCE contingent. To say that working with Rob and his staff is a dream come true wouldn’t be accurate, because I could have never imagined that such thing was even a possibility. Nevertheless, I’m excited for the future.
Let’s tip our caps to Lani, Lindsey, Emily, Andrew, Fernanda, and Mark for leading from the front!
Logan Gelbrich
1/20/14 WOD
Complete for time:
Front Squats (205/135)
Stone to Shoulder (AHAP)