DEUCE Gym’s world famous specialty courses are prepped to begin the first week of February. We find that these 8-week long courses provide a perfect compliment to our GPP program. With specifically designed curriculums, students can expect to begin with little or no capacity, skill, or otherwise and leave with something substantial in their specialty of choice.
Courses begin February 3rd and continue through March 38th. There are a finite number of seats available for each course, and they are first come first serve.
Interested in dialing in a specific area of your fitness? From Barbell Performance to DEUCEndurance and DEUCE Strength to Strongman 101, we can take any athlete from ‘Point A to Point B.’ Inquire within for program details.
Logan Gelbrich
1/15/14 WOD
In 25 minutes with a partner, run as many meters as possible:
Partner A:
10 Front Squats (95/65)
400m Run
Partner B: Rest