The biggest community challenge of the year, the Whole Life Challenge, is set to begin Friday evening. Tonight, though, we are hosting a meeting at 8PM at the gym. The meeting will properly outline the challenge rules and purpose, answer questions, address concerns, and provide the proper “head space” to begin the next eight weeks together.
The WLC is an eight-week lifestyle game comprised of three components: improved performance, body transformation, and compliance to an online lifestyle game. Each day participants will log daily points based on compliance to nutrition rules, a stretching protocol, daily activity, supplementation, and other lifestyle factors (i.e. sleep, hydration, and mindfulness).
There is still time to enroll, as well. CLICK HERE to join us! Furthermore, we encourage you to enroll those closest to you as they’re support has a huge impact on your success in the challenge. Challengers need not be members of the gym.
I look forward to seeing you at the gym tonight!
Logan Gelbrich
1/7/14 WOD
Complete the following for time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders
5-5-5-5-5 HSPU
100′ Overhead Walking Lunge (135/95)