Anything is possible. With a little sweat, hard work, and persistence anything can be accomplished. Writing goals down, having a support group, and constructing a plan of action are vital to achieving dreams.
Make Sh*t Happen is DEUCE’s unique goal setting program. It is open to members and non-members. There is nothing pretty about Make Sh*t Happen. There is no fluff or small talk, just down and dirty getting stuff done.
Make Sh*t Happen meets quarterly for two to three hours. These workshops are designed for you to set goals for immediate and distant future, while also forcing you to continuously check-in with yourself and path.
Our first meeting of the 2014 will be Wednesday, January 8th at 8PM. This is where you will get up close and personal with your one-year, five-year, and even ten-year goals. By the end of the meeting you will have some sort of action plan for the next 30, 60, and 90 days. The first meeting is a grind but fun. Come with your game faces on and ready to Make Shit Happen!
What to bring?
Writing Utensils
What does it cost? (4 Workshops: Jan, April, July, Oct):
$125 Non-DEUCE members
$100 DEUCE members
Individual Workshop Pricing:
$35 DEUCE Members
$30 DEUCE Members
Space is limited. We want the group to be intimate and hold each other accountable. Please let your coach know if you would like to reserve your spot.
Lindsey Mathews
1/3/14 WOD
Spend 15-20 minutes on Handstands and HSPU
Find a Max Rep Set of HSPU and/or Max Strict Pull Ups
Odd: 5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Even: 5 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups