We. Are. Back. And, we’re hungry!
I started to think about the energy around the gym coming off the holiday break and this video of Jon North teaching his dynamic start called, “Horses Out of Gate,” was the first thing that came to mind. And, though it is the idea, it wasn’t enough.
Not a chance.
We’re coming into 2014 with an element of desire that boarders recklessness. I think our little motocross buddy above encapsulates our momentum best of all. Maybe I’m hopped up on caffeine, maybe I’m just excited for the DEUCE Gym community in 2014, maybe it’s both.
Right now we are held back by that starting gate with our hand on the throttle, just begging for it to drop. If 2014 could talk, I’d be taunting it to start. “I dare you!”
We’ve got plenty of exciting things coming your way in 2014, so I hope you’re ready to hold on tight. Don’t forget, though, that this starts with you. Let’s hit the ground running on your training.
Show up. Don’t quit. Get what you came for.
Let’s go!
Logan Gelbrich
1/2/14 WOD
Find a heavy snatch double (Touch & Go)
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
15 Toes-to-Bar
15 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95/65)
15 Over-the-Bar Burpees