**DEUCE is closed from December 24th-January 2nd**
For some of you, today will be your last day of training in 2013, while others have already begun their “offseason.” Whether or not you think of it as an offseason, however, there’s something to be said for time spent away.
When compared to the physical strain, the mental exertion of committed training is poorly recognized, in my opinion. And, the week that the gym is closed is an opportunity for the entire gym population to recharge. Think about it as an abbreviated offseason. Still don’t like the idea? Think about how much better you can commit to your fitness with a fresh start than you can right now.
After today, I’d encourage you all to step away from committed, structured training for a bit. Prepare your mind to come back in 2014 recharged and eager to work hard. We’ve got plenty of progress to make in the next twelve months together!
Happy Holidays!
Logan Gelbrich
12/23/13 WOD
Back Squat
Then, complete the following for reps and time:
2 Min Max Burpees
Run 800m