If you haven’t yet gathered, we’re passionate about our local community. It brings us great joy to brag with you about a project two of our students have introduced to Venice. Pablo Moix and Antonia Lofaso have been gracing the 7:30 AM classes since we’ve opened. In addition, they’ve recently opened a restaurant called Scopa Italian Roots where Abbot Kinney meets Washington Blvd.
I’ve discussed this type of excellence before, but these two have created a raging success in Scopa. Antonia is a nationally acclaimed chef, while Pablo has forgotten more about wine and spirits than I’ve ever known about strength and conditioning. Paired together, they’re an unstoppable force.
Scopa was a beautiful vision of mid century Italian food as you’d find it on dinner tables in Brooklyn. It’s now a reality. The menu is welcoming and satiating, while the food is prepared with an excellence only an award-winning chef could. The drinks, believe it or not, have as much depth as the dishes do. Feel free to get an education on liquor from the bar. In truth, Scopa is an experience as genuine as one can find. It’s my view that such experiences are only made possible by an authentic passion like the one Pablo and Antonia share.
I don’t see much difference between the work ethic and performances shown by these two and that of professional athletes to be honest. And, there’s an undeniable respect that comes with that.
If you’ve seen Pablo mix a drink and hold it to the same rites and standards of an artist’s masterpiece, you’d know what I’m talking about. If you’ve ever heard Antonia defend her work and hold her ground in the kitchen, you’d know what I’m talking about.
As a matter of fact, you do know what I’m talking about. As a member of DEUCE, you know exactly what I’m talking about, because this place is full of this type of greatness.
I want to tip my hat to Pablo and Antonia for most definitely “holding the standard.” There’s something about men and women pursuing excellence that makes things right with the universe. These two have built something special from nothing but hard work and a vision, and the world is a better place as a result.
If you’re in need of some inspiration, head over to Scopa and treat yourself to an experience. Don’t forget to remind yourself that the food, the walls, the people, and everything you see only exists because two people decided it to be so.
Logan Gelbrich
12/16/13 WOD
Front Squat
Complete 3 rounds for max reps and time of:
1 Min Max Cleans (50% 1RM)
400M Run
**Each round will start every five minutes