The bargain stars of opportunity have aligned for quite a week at DEUCE. Not only is it our first ever ‘Bring a Friend Week,’ but the week also culminates with December’s FREE Community Workout on Saturday at 9AM.
We’ve created this ‘Bring a Friend Week’ event, in part, because we know how much this stuff begins to affect your life. You can’t stop talking about it and sometimes your friends and family even inquire about it. Well, here’s your chance to show them!
All week long, the workouts and classes are anticipating larger crowds than normal, so we are absolutely prepared to accommodate whomever you’d like to share this experience with. There’s no real limit to the number of people you can bring through, and we hope you take advantage.
Happy training!
Logan Gelbrich
12/1/13 WOD
Front Squat
Then, AMRAP 6
6 KB Snatches (53/35)
6 Burpees