I recently had a conversation that distinctly reminded me of “the other edge.” It’s an interesting application of the metaphor a “double-edged sword” that became very apparent to me today. Many of you may know the person with which I had this conversation, but for privacy I will leave him unnamed. I called to ask him how he had been, because I don’t have the good fortune of seeing him on a weekly basis, and to be honest this makes me less than thrilled.
A brief look back into the roots of this place we all call home, is a program called FFOTB. FFOTB is a beautiful thing, and we being the coaches were present at every class, barring a few exceptions. Because of this, I (selfishly) was up to date on peoples lives, and got to see all of your smiling faces throughout my week. As we grew, we stepped into DEUCE, and our amount of classes increased which is an awesome thing. Make no mistake, I am thrilled for this.
With DEUCE, all students fall into some kind of schedule, each is independent of the others, but all are somewhat similar from week to week. This epic human I referenced earlier, just so happens to only attend classes taught by the other coaches. This is the other side of a double edged sword. In all the growth, it is easy to lose track of what is going on, or simply just not talk to someone for a while. This is why the community is so important, and this is why this place is different. I’d encourage you to use the community workouts, events, and challenges to connect with those people.
As our lives get busy, it is important that we connect with these people in our lives that mean something to us. I will be the first to admit, this very thing I need to work on. Thanks for the conversation my friend, and I am glad your doing better.
Danny Lesslie
11/26/13 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on pistols.
Then, complete the following for time:
1000m Run
Then, 10 rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats