Dozens of DEUCE athletes will be toeing the platforms for a challenge against their past selves this weekend. Saturday at 9AM marks the end of our 6-week performance challenge with a final attempt at the workout “Grace,” which is a CrossFit benchmark classic. The workout is thirty clean and jerks for time. Athletes of all fitness levels have entered the contest and have spent the past six weeks trying to improve their capacity for Saturday’s event.
The video above takes a look at what PR challenges are like for our community and it walks through Emily Russak’s final effort in the “Grace” Challenge.
Whether you’re in the challenge or not, these final events are incredible community moments and we encourage everyone to come out and support these athletes. Expect food, drinks, great energy, and quality company at 110 Lincoln this Saturday. In addition, rockstar student and exceptional body worker Heather Wielgos will be on hand offering complementary 10-minute massages.
See you Saturday!
Logan Gelbrich
11/8/13 WOD
Spend 20 minutes on “the Kip”
10 Muscle Ups
30 OHS (135/95)
50 Burpees