Our latest addition to the DEUCE Gym wardrobe will be a classic. The tees and tanks are simple and include our unique branding along with one simple statement:
Weightlifting is not a crime.
The inception of the idea of this shirt is in part a tribute to the phrase made famous by the skate culture that is so synonymous with Venice and the Dog Town pioneers of skating. Our own weightlifting twist comes as a rebuttal to the stigma that often surrounds weightlifting in anything but a positive light.
You see if you ask many folks about weightlifting, immediate thoughts of danger, bulky muscles, and extreme exercise come to mind, which, in my opinion, is unfortunate. While stepping back and looking at weightlifting simply as human movement with an external load, one may be able to replace the fear and stigma around lifting weights with images of opportunity, progress, and empowerment.
In Santa Monica, our outdoor fitness school was often made to feel like weightlifting was a crime. It surely isn’t a DEUCE Gym. Regardless as to why you’re a weightlifter, know that you can wear this shirt proudly as a reminder to those around you.
These shirts are now available in the DEUCE Gym online store and the pro shop at the gym.
Logan Gelbrich
11/6/13 WOD
Complete the following for time:
3 rounds:
20 Squats
200m Run
10 Deadlifts (335/205)
3 rounds:
20 KB Swings (53/35)
10 Toes to Bar