During our “Intro Session,” we ask prospective students three questions. One of which is, “If you were to wake up tomorrow with your version of perfect fitness, what would that look like?” You see, we’re interested in how people would like to look, feel, and perform. And, the answers are important, especially if we are, as an institution, going to deliver on our promise.
Sometimes people have very specific answers. “I want to weigh 125 pounds,” they’ll say. Others would like to finish a marathon and have less that 10% body fat. Sometimes the answers are much more general.
Personally, my answer is pretty general, too. I have a few short term goals, but long term I’d like to have a level fitness that allowed me to be limitless. My ideal fitness is one that puts me in a position where I wouldn’t have to say “No” to an opportunity based on a lack of physical capacity.
Now, your answer to this question doesn’t need to be the same as my answer, but if you’re training with us this limitless fitness may be coming your way, whether you like it or not.
Imagine that! There’s no hike you couldn’t go on, no bike ride too long, no box too heavy, no stray dog too fast for you, and no hobby too daunting to try.
You’ll be limitless.
Logan Gelbrich
11/1/13 WOD
1 Clean and Jerk (Increasing weight)
Then, complete 2 Rounds:
800m Run
50 Squats
25 pushups