The former ultra-marathon athlete turned nutrition and lifestyle blog powerhouse, Mark Sisson, has been busy. After capturing the attention of countless fitness and wellness enthusiasts with his best selling Primal Blueprint, he catapulted his business to new heights with the launch of what is now Amazon’s number one selling mayonnaise. As it turns out, people care for thoughtfully produced condiments.
The Primal Kitchen brand just took things to the next level last week with the opening of its franchise restaurant in Culver City. You can check this content for more details. I was able to sneak in for an early look at the food and was overwhelmed with gratitude.
Mark and his daughter, Devyn Sisson, envisioned a restaurant chain where the patron couldn’t go wrong with a menu of pasture-raised animals and organic vegetables free of added sugars and faux foods. They even use our favorite rancher’s meat from Diamond Mountain Ranch that we pre-order to the gym. All the bison comes from our own Sean Lenihan, who trains in the GPP and gymnastics programs at DEUCE, and owns the Honest Bison.
If you’re in the Culver City area, head in for a meal. If you don’t live in LA, keep your fingers crossed that one of the first round of franchises will be coming to your town.
Logan Gelbrich
9/13/17 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Reps Standing Sled Pull
Max Seated DB Presses
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
800m Run
-Rest 3 min-