We don’t venture too much into the lore of CrossFit, but this is an opportunity to share a piece of CrossFit history that always has the power to inspire. Annie Sakamoto, Eva T, and Nicole Carroll are iconic CrossFit women that blazed the trail for what is now a global mainstay. Few would realize in 2004, long before CrossFit was found on magazine covers and on ESPN that these ladies would do a workout that would inspire men and women ten years later.
It was called “Nasty Girls.” Written specifically for the CrossFit girls, the guinea pigs, in Santa Cruz, they did three rounds of 50 squats, 7 muscle ups, and 10 hang power cleans for time. At the time, it was as showcase of super human performance and a celebration for women’s fitness and CrossFit.
Forever dubbed the “nasty girls,” these three women each have a benchmark workout named after them and the lore surrounding their names doesn’t seem to fade with time. Knowing what you know about strength and conditioning, consider that these three ladies performed this workout a decade ago, as it’s written, with strict muscle ups, and no one was doing this stuff.
Man or woman, I’d encourage you to take the time to watch the whole video. I’ll never forget how in sync and fast those first 50 squats looked and Nicole Carroll’s genuine tears of joy and pride.
Logan Gelbrich
10/14/13 WOD
“Nasty Girls”
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang power cleans (135/95)