Yikes! Just the title of this one sounds oppressive. Have no fear, however. I’ve got a positive proposition for you. I was listening to a coach I really admire and he was talking about this very proposition. Finding our where you stand, no matter how disappointing it may be, is important.
Our training, and it’s performance focus, is very black and white. You either make the lift or you don’t. Either she wins, or you win. If the work takes you five minutes today, and four and half minutes a few months from now, you’ve become fitter. Of course, the inverse is true, too. Period.
There’s no hiding from the numbers.
There’s a great deal of integrity in that. Though this can be scary, for someone that is a self-respecting human being, simply knowing where you stand is a necessary truth to face. Dive into the numbers. Find out how strong or how weak, how fast or how slow you really are.
Knowing exactly where you stand allows you challenge yourself and adapt. There is no accuracy in your effort without this critical information, so dial in. I challenge you to face the numbers. Our view of fitness is not one of opinion. Get the facts, then get better.
Logan Gelbrich
10/8/13 WOD
2 Power Snatches (115/75)
3 Overhead Squats
5 Burpee Box Jumps (30″/24″)