You’ve heard us ranting and raving about this for weeks now. There’s about two weeks left of fundraising, and though we’ve done an excellent job so far ($3,311) as a gym, we’ve got more time and plenty more effort to give. This little CrossFit gym in Venice is making a big impact and we’ve got you to thank!
There hasn’t, however, been much talk about the actual workout. Today is a different story. Our training today will be the “Crush Cancer” workout, so we all can prepare and experience what it’s all about. Remember, this isn’t just another training day. Hearts and minds from around the world are connecting this experience with countless lost loved ones and pain inflicted from cancer.
I only hope today’s workout can inspire you to join us October 12th for the Crush Cancer event in Culver City. Happy fundraising!
Logan Gelbrich
10/2/13 WOD
“Crush Cancer”
Complete 3 rounds:
1 minute Max Power Cleans (95/65
1 Min Max KB Swings (53/35)
1 Min Max Burpees
1 Min Max Shoulder to Overhead(95/65)
1 Min Max Double Unders
-Rest 1 Minute-