The four week break from specialty courses being in session is coming to a close the week of October 13th. And, that means it’s time to get started on another 8-week cycle of DEUCE Gym’s Specialty Courses. Don Ricci’s Barbell Performance course is already underway, but Strength, Strongman 101, and DEUCEndurance courses are set to begin in mid-October.
Our specialty courses offer a jaunt into the specific, nitty gritty details of a particular modality in contrast to the broad nature of our GPP program. In many ways, these courses are the opposite of our CrossFit program here in Venice. Spend 8-weeks, training twice a week, moving through a specific curriculum based in endurance sport, strict barbell strength, or the odd lifts of strongman.
These courses are closed, so once the eight available seats are sold, athletes will need to wait until the next cycle to join a specialty course.
Interested? Email info@deucegym.com for more information.
Logan Gelbrich
10/1/13 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
5 Cleans (205/145)
10 Pull ups
400m Run