I feel like a careful father writing this, mostly because all I want to say is “If you knew what was good for you…”
Well, if you knew what was good for you, you’d sign up for the “Grace” Challenge. That’s what.
A few days ago I asked everyone in class to raise their hands if their home or apartment was squeaky clean. No hands were raised. “But, it’ll get clean sometime, right?” Heads nodded in agreement.
“What if you had twenty people coming over for dinner tonight. Would it get squeaky clean then?” More confidently than before, heads nodded in agreement.
In that same way, the “Grace” challenge is a chance to put a big red circle on the calendar and say, “I’m in!” It’s amazing what a a deadline will do for your performance.
Join us for six weeks as we stick our necks out there for laser focused training and performance gains. This Saturday September 28th at 9AM, challenge participants will take on “Grace,” which is simply thirty clean and jerks for time. Participants can use any weights they like as this event is for all fitness levels. Six weeks later, on November 9th, participants will retest the same workout. This time they’ll be much fitter and enjoy a competitive environment at the gym chalk full with spectators, music, food, and energy. The top three most improved win cash prizes, as well as the fastest man and fastest woman at the prescribed weights.
Interested? Email infö@deucegym.com.
Logan Gelbrich
9/25/13 WOD
Even: 2 Back Squats AHAP
Odd: 8 Strict Pullups