By now, I assume that your eyes have wondered as far as those giant scoreboard-like whiteboards on the wall in the gym. Am I right? These are our leaderboards. Given that we are a performance-based gym, this is a vital tool in our program.
What does performance-based mean, you ask? It means we’re rooted in improving measurable fitness capacity. Our focus is that our students getting stronger, not just looking stronger. We don’t evaluate our fitness necessarily by how our jeans fit or what we see in the mirror. Our fitness is measured with questions like:
“How far?”
“How fast?”
“How heavy?”
“How many?
Everything is by the numbers. And, our leaderboards are a place to find our top male and female performances across a wide variety of fitness tests including a max effort back squat, a 5K time trial, a maximum vertical leap, or “Helen.” Regardless of your fitness ability, these things can be a source of inspiration, context, and motivation.
Today’s workout, “Helen,” is another opportunity to earn your name up on our leaderboard. “Helen” is an infamous CrossFit workout, and it will come up again. Like in science, our training is observable, measurable, and repeatable. You will repeat this workout, and much like the ‘Baseline’ that you did during your ‘Intro Session,’ it will provide an opportunity to tracked marked fitness gains.
I can’t wait to introduce you all to “Helen.” She’s a stern old lady, but you’ll know her well.
Logan Gelbrich
9/6/13 WOD
Spend 20 minutes on Muscle Ups
3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
21 KB Swings (53/35)
12 Pullups