I had a conversation with our resident weightlifting coach, Don Ricci (Barbell Performance), today that further engrained the potent nature of our training in my mind. Here’s Don, a man that has now devoted his life to the snatch and the clean and jerk, and he’s continually baffled at the positive adaptation of CrossFit athletes in those lifts despite their lack focus on the movements.
As you all know by now, our charter is to develop the most broad, general, inclusive fitness possible. This means a few things:
- We’re constantly varying our training
- We specialize in not specializing
- We’ll snatch and clean and jerk only as much as we do anything else
How is it then that our athletes continue to see gains, even at the highest level, in these seemingly “sport specific” applications?
I recently matched an all-time snatch PR after leaving the movement aside to grow virtual cobwebs for over a year. Meanwhile, weightlifters train the foundational lifts, some accessory work, and narrow their focuses only to receive marginally better results in the grand scheme of things.
I think it’s this instance that we can tip our cap to General Physical Preparedness (GPP), most specifically CrossFit, in it’s ability to support gains across a broad spectrum without the need to specialize.
Let it be known that I’m not knocking weightlifters nor am I knocking the idea of specializing in the sport. To compete in it, rather, that is a requisite level of commitment. The proven ability of our program to build a fitness that can at least “hang with the best of them” in their respective specific disciplines cannot go unrecognized.
Hold the standard.
Logan Gelbrich
9/3/13 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
50′ Plate Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25)
50 Lateral Jumps (2 count)
50′ Plate Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25)
Run 800m