To be honest, I spend most of my time as a coach making seemingly impossible, intimidating training feel approachable. It’s a constant down play of the intensity and “hardcore-ness” of what we do. And, it’s necessary, because let’s be honest people, it’s just exercise.
Today isn’t that day.
Sure, we will scale as needed and find an appropriate training progression for you, but today is a gut check. There isn’t any other way to put it. There is a time and a place for a gut check every now and then, and this is it.
If you did this workout with us April 30th, today’s retest should be an effort to PR. See you in class!
Logan Gelbrich
Wednesday’s Workout:
In 40 minutes:
Run 5K
25 Hand-to-Hand KB Swings
25 Squats
[See 4/30/13]