Every time someone walks through our front gate, we like to reinforce the idea that they’ve entered a house of learning. In that way, we have invited our friend, a renown coach and innovator, Nate Helming of Helming Athletics, to present a brilliant seminar merging strength and condition, endurance sport, and the common denominator: human movement.
Nate will be on hand for a one of kind seminar Saturday September 7th at DEUCE Gym from 9AM to 1PM. The event is $70 per person and is capped at 25 participants. We’d like our students to have a fair shot at attending as this will sell out. The endurance community in Los Angeles is expected to come out in droves.
Ready to learn? ENROLL HERE!
We are in the midst of a revolution in human movement and potential. Guys like Nate Helming are leading that charge. We’re honored to have the opportunity to host this event and hope you can enjoy it with us!
Logan Gelbrich
8/19/13 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for time of:
1 Mile Run
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)