There’s something beautiful about being cornered. I mean, if it’s for something positive it’s great. You’ve got only one option. And, that is to do the thing.
Take this blog, for example. Out of precedent and commitment to the community, I am committed to writing this blog every weekday, until… well, the end of time. Given that it’s like writing in a journal daily (except that it has to be good enough for other’s eyes), it’s probably one of the most challenging things I’ve done, but I don’t regret it. I really believe that the blog is a massive part of what makes our fitness school gel.
There are days, however, where writing comes extremely difficult. Yet, I have no choice… literally. The result is commitment to my responsibility because that’s the only option I’ve got. Thank God. Having no choice has taught me so much, and I take pride in the little streak we have going at FFOTB.com.
There are other situations that offer just one choice, too, you know? Our lowest income students are often the best. Their struggle to justify the cost of membership leaves them with no choice but to show up and get their money’s worth.
Committing to a race or fitness competition can illicit the same response. Want to get yourself in gear? Sign up for an event a few months down the road. Then, you’ll have no choice but to show up prepared.
In what ways can forcing yourself into these situations have a positive effect on your training?
Logan Gelbrich
Wednesday’s Workout:
Complete 2 rounds for time of:
20 Front Squats (135/95)
800m Run