This past weekend, Dana and I traveled to Houston, Texas on a mission. We set out to attend a renown endurance seminar and certification in order to take our endurance program to the next level. Our current endurance program meets each Sunday at 9 AM and tackles running mechanics and growing your endurance capacity. However, we’re up to something new and improved here.
The weekend was jam packed. From 8 AM to 4 PM each day, Dana and I joined about forty other eager athletes and coaches in preliminary video analysis, various talks from nutrition and programing to injury prevention and recovery, active skills and drills, as well as an incredible look into creating (for the first time ever) the standard for running. Skills like the deadlift and squat, for example, have very specific standards from which to evaluate the movement, while running has slipped without the same rigor.
We’re here to change that. Running is a skill, and that skill can be learned and improved.
Endurance 2.0 will take place at DEUCE Gym. It will join the ranks of one of our new and improved specialty courses, in which students enroll in an 8-week course for multiple sessions a week. This course will have a specific curriculum included evaluation, skills and drills, a Pose Method running progression, video analysis, and more.
Furthermore, this new program will be home to our first ever endurance team. Like everything we do, it will be scalable, but keep your eyes peeled for DEUCE Racing uniforms atop a local event podium near you.
Our coaching staff is eager to learn. It’s this commitment to excellence that will force us to expand our skill set to continue to get ‘The Nation’ strong.
Logan Gelbrich
Wednesday’s Workout:
With a partner:
A: 50m KB Farmers Carry (2/1.5)
B: Max Hang Power Clean & Jerks (95/65)
-Rest 3 minutes-
On your own:
Run 800m