By now, you’re understanding that the basis of our training is about doing more work, faster. That’s why it pays not just to try hard but to do the thing well. That’s called skill. And, with skill we can separate ourselves from the pack.
It’s the reason why David’s can beat Goliaths. It’s also the reason that some people get jobs and others don’t. It’s the same principle that makes it so that the strongest don’t always lift the most weight, too.
We also live in a world where it pays to accomplish work with efficiency. So I say to you, I know you are doing it (your life) well and good. I know you’re trying hard and what not. But, are there ways you could do it better? No different than choosing to jerk a weight overheard instead of pressing it there, there are so many areas where we can win with efficiency.
Rather than slugging away at Monday through Friday… stop. Breathe. And, think. What would your week look like if you could do it better?
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
4 Rounds Alternating Movements for Quality:
6 RDLs (135/95)
6 Bent Over Row
1000m Run
30 Thrusters (45#)
30 Burpees