Did you know the world’s largest test of human performance is underway, and some of your peers are taking part? Yup, that’s right. The Reebok CrossFit Games is held each year with the distinct purpose of crowning the fittest man and woman on Earth. With the help of our good friends at CrossFit LA, some of your classmates and coaches are taking part in the action.
The first phase of the Games, called the Open, is a 5-week long, worldwide invitational. This year over 140,000 athletes are competing for 48 spots at Regionals, which is the next step in the gruesome testing process. The SoCal Region is known to be one of the most potent on the planet for both men and women, but it’s without a doubt the most fierce competition in the women’s division.
With four of the five workouts in the bag, this week will culminate the Open season. This Wednesday the 5th workout will be announces LIVE at 5:00 PST and athletes must complete the final test by Sunday evening. To keep up with all the fun, we’ve created a custom leader-board to keep tabs on our members of ‘The Nation.’
Good luck the rest of the way, everyone!
Logan Gelbrich
Tuesday’s Workout:
5 Rounds:
400M Run
15 OHS (95/65)