I’ve got to say this post is a bit candid. My stress level is through the roof, which for an easygoing person like myself is pretty tall task to achieve.
The root of this stress is, like in most cases, a combination of things that have mounted into a lifestyle that is a bit out of control.
Luckily, in my context, “out of control” is only relative. I’m eating healthy, sleeping 8 hours a night, and staying active. Yet, stress is stress.
With the new gym opening, the CrossFit Open, running two businesses, my writing responsibilities, and the superfluous other tasks I’ve taken on, I’m fighting to stay unbroken. Sometimes knowing having an infinite amount of work and a finite amount of time becomes all too real.
Wednesday we had 20 students in class and arguably the best day in the history of our fitness school. After class I cried. Without much more energy to give, I knew I still faced a good four more hours of work until I could turn off for the night. After a brief time out, I relied on the one thing that got me into this mess in the first place, which is my duty.
I’ll have to answer to a pretty clear question: Did you fulfill your duty, or not?
What a wonderful lesson? I often catch myself chuckling to my self that this is what they mean when they say “it’s a lot of work.” The lesson to be learned is that the tasks stand firm no matter what the weather is, what my emotions are, or anything else, for that matter.
That’s a tough pill to swallow.
I think we’d all better having swallowed it, however. At the end of the day, the work got done and this period of time in a bunker will make a great story one day. Emotions, like the physiological response of pain, are really best viewed as information. My stress, fatigue, and irritability could define my existence, or I could use it as critical information. I’m choosing the later. The message I’m seeing is: Get sleep and eat well, or face illness.
Cry it out if need be. Then, get back to work.
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
Part A:
1000M Run
Max Snatch (135/95)
-Rest 5 min-
Part B:
Complete ‘Part A’ for time.