We are just over half way in the Whole Life Challenge with 24 days remaining. It’s in these coming days and weeks that a renewed effort is critical to your success in this game. We always get a kick out of these confessional style videos and they are effective in inspiring others, blowing off steam, and unifying the group around the halfway point. Here is mine..
[youtube https://youtu.be/gwmbVmgyMeA]
Feel free to take a moment or two to share your thoughts thus far on our Facebook page. Believe me, the community wants to hear from you and this opportunity will help dial in your participation in this home stretch.
Play to win!
Logan Gelbrich
Thursday’s Workout:
Max Pushups
‘Squat a Mile’
Complete the following for time:
Run 1 Mile
*Perform 20 Squats @ each turn (400m)
**Or, perform 40 Squats @ each turn (800m)