Mark your calendars! This Wednesday lululemon is teaming up with us for ‘World Joy Day.’ What this means for you is that every student will be able to take Wednesday’s 7AM class for FREE!
Tell a friend or two because we’ll be sure to have a workout friendly for a record class size. The atmosphere should be incredible, so spread the word.
Also, our friends from Paleo Treats will be on hand to fill your bellies after the the workout! They’ll have there great product to sell, too, so be ready to pack your pantries with Post-WLC goodies.
Logan Gelbrich
Monday’s Workout:
Find 5 RM Front Squat
Complete 2 Rounds for time:
7Front Squats @75% 5RM
200m Run
14 Hand Release Pushups
200m Run
21 Romanian Deadlifts
200m Run