Join us this Sunday at 10 AM at the corner of Ocean and Georgina to see this years LA Marathon action. Not only is the world famous event coming right through our stomping grounds, we’ve got some family and extended family members taking the marathon that could use a little push down the home stretch.
‘The Nation’s’ own Niki Marek and Dana McCreary are leading from the front by tackling this 26.2 mile beast. Friends of the community Shirley Brown and Matt Doss are also partaking.
With the fan fair of the event, it would be wise to ride a bike as parking will be scarce. We hope you choose to join us for some good ole community fun in the sun. Whole Life Challenge friendly snacks are welcome!
Please note, our regularly scheduled 9 AM Endurance class will be cancelled in leu of the marathon.
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
Complete the following for time:
30 Ground to Shoulder (135/95)
Run 1 Mile
30 Shoulder to Overhead