This Saturday most of you are joining us for the start of our big Whole Life Challenge. Like I mentioned in the Pre Game Huddle meeting Wednesday night, this challenge is about YOU. Your choices and their consequences should not be defused in to the rules of the game, whomever “made” you sign up, or otherwise.
The next 8 weeks will be about personal responsibility.
Before the weight of this responsibility weighs on you, let me add just another bit of responsibility to you all. Whether you like it or not, you’ve signed up to be a leader in your social circles. Whether you want them to or not, all eyes will be on you.
Rather than cower at the thought of the health and fitness spotlight, I encourage you to use it. Use this leadership role to hold yourself accountable. Use this leadership role to hold the standard. Maybe you’ll even inspire someone. You’ve got folks all around you that are empowered, intimidated, inspired, and even envious because of your participation in this challenge.
People are looking to see if you’ll crack. Others are looking to see you succeed, while others subconsciously are rooting for your failure. Many lessons will be taught with your reactions to mishaps during the next eight weeks, and you’ll be the teacher.
Step up to the plate. Lead from the front.
Logan Gelbrich
Friday’s Workout:
5 Rounds:
30 Parellette Lateral Jumps
20 KB Front Squats
20m Bear Crawl
Logan, is there a place where these exercises are explained “how to perform them”? Aunt Terry
Yup, an email just went out to all that will not be attending our Prelim Event in person tomorrow.Let me know if you didn’t receive the email. The Out-of-Towner info explains the following:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
800m Run
40 Walking Lunges
40 Sit Ups
Max Burpees
-800m Run: This is two (2) laps around a standard track. You can use the odometer in your car or a multitude of apps to determine your 800m course. The most important thing is that you run the same route for the prelims and the finals.
-40 Walking Lunges: You will travel via alternating lunges. To secure a rep your back knee must kiss the ground and you must stand with open hips at the top. (VIDEO)
-40 Sit Ups: The only standards for these unanchored sit ups are that your shoulder blades touch the ground at the start of each repetition and that your shoulders end up over your hips at the top. Swinging arms, etc is OK. (VIDEO)
-Max Burpees: This movement starts at standing. You must touch your chest to the floor (anyway, anyhow – no strict push up necessary) and jump and clap overhead (with feet off the ground) to secure one rep. (VIDEO)
**Your score is total reps completed. It is both normal and expected that many participants won’t make it to the burpees. For example, a participant who completes the 800m run, 40 walking lunges, and 7 sit ups has a Prelim Score of 47.