In the same way that DEWALT hasn’t built a single house on the market, we haven’t improved anyone’s fitness in our entire history. I’m sure that you can’t wait for what cliche message in store to follow up such a statement, but I think you’d be surprised at how truthful this concept really is.
For those of you that have been to class, think about the language from your coach. Literally everything he or she says is a mere suggestion. “You should try to feel this..” or “Think about choosing a weight that you could do 15 reps in a row with..” are coaching cues not uncommon around here. That’s because we don’t do the work, you do.
We merely remove the barriers between you and whatever goals you may have. I can say confidently that nearly anyone that steps foot in this place will be provided an opportunity to have everything they want in health and fitness here. You bet your ass that if anyone if making your goals a reality, however, that it’s you. We will teach you how to clean and jerk a barbell to improve your performance, but when the time comes, you’ll be doing all the work.
We don’t make you go a certain speed. We don’t even tell you how to go about your work. The only thing we offer up are some options to help you navigate the day. We teach you skills. Think about it.. you can stop, start, rest, go slow, go fast, or never show up in the first place. To be honest, just coming to class and going home each day is just the tip of the iceberg of what is available to you.
The best students are the ones that are aware of this student/ teacher relationship. They realize this journey is their’s alone and that we are here to help. Use us, reach out, and maximize your time here, but don’t ever forget we are just tools. Though damned good ones at that, it’s up to you to put in the work.
The good news? We’ll never take credit for your accomplishments. Those are yours and yours alone.
Logan Gelbrich
Thursday’s Workout:
Buy In: 400m Run
30 Squat Cleans (95/65)
Cash out: 50 Inverted Burpees