What’s Your Out?

As human beings, we often find creative ways to let ourselves off the hook in the face of adversity. Sometimes it’s a conscious effort, and other times folks don’t even realize they are doing it. As a coach, I see this all the time. Rather than demean this practice and those guilty of it, I think the best thing we can do is shine light on it and bring awareness to the subject.

Dana crushing cancer this past weekend.

Straight up, this stuff we do is hard. Changing your own life, building measurable strength, losing weight, growing your work capacity…it’s all hard. Anytime we set out to achieve any of these types of things we know it’s difficult, but at least we think we can do it or we wouldn’t start it in the first place. 

There’s a moment, however, in this process where sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel doesn’t shine as bright as it once did. ENTER: your “out.”

It’s in times of doubt that we naturally look for ways out of the situation. In a situation like ours on the bluff, it’s not too hard. All you’ve got to do is stop showing up. However, being perceived as a quitter isn’t so desirable, so we naturally look for ways to:

  1. Justify quitting.
  2. Make it seem like it isn’t quitting at all.

Here’s where folks let themselves of the hook. Have you ever heard someone justify their waining commitment to the training that used to be so important to them with things like their busy schedule, change of heart, other people in the program, training ideology, etc? There’s always, always, always a choice to be made about your health and fitness, for or against it. Choosing for or against your health, in my opinion, always has honor if in fact it’s genuine. My gripe is when folks displace that choice on someone or something else. The moment you claim you’re committed if only it weren’t for your boss, the alignment of the stars, your car’s transmission, or your elbow tendinitis, the honor is lost and you’ve claimed an “out,” in my opinion.

I’m not disillusioned into thinking that everyone should train like a madman always, with no breaks, until forever– at the bluffs no less. However, when folks choose to stray from nutrition and training habits, they almost never say, “I don’t wish to continue because my health isn’t as important to me anymore.” They rarely ever own it, and there in lies the problem. It’s all too often something else. That something else, is an “out.”

What folks that grant themselves an out from the program don’t realize is that given our community structure and off the floor coaching, the only thing that can come between you and your participation in this fitness school is their own choice. So, before you grant yourself an “out” in this program consider what’s available to you with communication, priority, and choice.


“I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”


Logan Gelbrich


Wednesday’s Workout:

Run 1 Mile

Spend 20 minutes to complete the following:
3 rounds of a barbell complex:
1 Deadlift
3 Jump Shrugs
1 Hang Power Clean
*Rest as needed between rounds
**Score is heaviest load completed

Run 1 Mile

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