With the speed in which the marketplace develops, it’s no wonder that there’s always something new and exciting released. As consumers, it’s fun to keep tabs on these releases. It’s no doubt that technology will continue to drive performance forward. Check out the features on this bad boy:
-Structural strength equal to that of GRANITE
– Self regulating heating and air system (in real time)
-Automated data storage, recovery, and interpretation
-5-way information automated uptake
-Data share equal to the speed of light
-Fully functioning lifespan of up to 100+ years
-Fully repairable parts perform self maintenance 24/7/365 automatically
-On the fly upgrades are available for 100% customization
-Multifaceted interactive expression for easy communication
No, these aren’t the features of the new iPhone 5. Audi doesn’t have the aforementioned specs in their new sports car, either. These specs are for the human body. Let us not lose sight of the Earth’s most incredible machine; you.
With $150 oil changes for our sedans and $1000 machines to compact our trash, it is quite easy to get caught up in the maintenance and investment in our things. It seems odd to me, however, that we wouldn’t dare pay for treatment and maintenance of our bodies. What about all the boys and girls that are willing to skip a real food meal here and there to afford a fresh pair of shoes? Doesn’t it seem odd to refuse to pay for a quality doctor’s visit out of pocket when we can’t wait to enjoy fashion?
You are you’re most valuable asset. You are an incredible machine. Imagine the power of shifting your investments inward first.
Logan Gelbrich
Saturday’s Workout:
5 Rounds for time:
5 Burpees
25 Mountain Climbers (1ct)
50m Lunge
400m Run