We Don’t Do “Arms”

The question, “How often do you do arms?” is one that I often have a hard time answering. Within the context of our fitness school, I guess the real answer is, “all the time.” I think, at least… or is it never?

Bodhi working his grip strength.

You see, when we’ve got a squat or a lunge programmed in a workout, neither Danny or I, think “Hey, it’s leg day.” The same is true with movements that happen to use your arms. I know, I know.. you guys want big guns and what not. All I am saying is, I can’t answer the question, “How often do you do arms?” because for me the answer is never. But, I also don’t “do legs” either.

We train bodies here. Bodies are best suited to use anything and everything they need to accomplish a task. Many times that means “doing arms” but more often than not they aren’t working alone. Human beings, and athlete’s especially, accomplish most physical tasks on our feet. We do so for good reason, too. Even Olympic gymnasts wouldn’t get much grocery shopping done walking around on their hands.

With that said, we train movements that improve our ability to accomplish tasks. And, few tasks are done well with just quadriceps or just one’s biceps. Nearly everything we do involves many moving parts and much of our training happens while standing on two feet. If then our feet are often our connection with the world, we ought to use everything from the ground up to apply force anywhere.

Believe me, we will train your arms, but our goal isn’t big arms, or big anything for that matter. Our goal is elite fitness and everything that comes with it, no matter what that looks like. Just keep showing up and build strong, fast, coordinated, powerful, flexible, endurance ready, agile, accurate, balancing, stamina filled arms, legs, shoulders, butts, hands, feet, and everything else.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

Power Snatch

Then with a partner, AMRAP 15:

Partner A: Max Power Snatches (95/65)
Partner B: 200m Run w/ Sandbag or Plate

**Athletes score their own effort

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