Keeping Failure Close

Failure has a very clear connotation. It’s negative. Make no mistakes about it. Failure is almost never the ideal end result. What I’m about to do, however, is ask you to push the envelope of your relationship with failure. 

How well are you acquainted with with failure? Is it familiar? It doesn’t ever have to feel comfortable (I’d argue that it never should), but it should be familiar. The gist is simply that success doesn’t teach us much. We aren’t forced to adapt in successful ventures, because who would want to change something that works, right?

Superman, formerly known as Dan Estes.

Well, here we are in the fitness world looking to change our bodies and minds. And, sure successful training sessions will produce positive growth and adaptation, but whether you realize it or not, our school of fitness utilizes failure for results. Embrace it. There’s a reason we maximize our output during training sessions  (meaning we a set of tasks as quickly as possible or we do as much works as possible in a certain amount of time). It’s because it’s in the margins of success that we are forced to change.

So, next time you’re in class just know that failure is, in some ways, your secret weapon. Choosing weights need not be about making choices that avoid failure. I encourage you to get it “wrong,” try something a little bit “too heavy,” come out of the gate a little bit “too fast.” 

You’ll succeed more than you could ever imagine if you’re willing to shake the hand of failure often.


Logan Gelbrich


Tuesday’s Workout:



Snatch Grip Deadlift (135/95)
Inverted Burpees

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