Depending on your position in our community, you may be able to see that we are quite a unique family of people. Just like any small village there are more predominant members than others. FFOTB is no different.
Folks that follow the blog religiously as far away Europe may go unrecognized by even the most die-hard FFOTB members, but they are part of the community nonetheless. On the other hand, more obvious members of the community like Jacob and DPatt, however, have even been immortalized with with FFOTB celebrity status on their own mini-documentaries and have been exposed for the world to see.
Each example, however, shares equal citizenship in “The Nation.”
There’s a bit of a method behind our madness, too. Our thought is that a small village is more powerful than any one person, regardless how courageous, fit, or motivated they may be. So, we choose to take on the form of a tribe.
Once you understand that you too have a place in this tribe, you may begin to think about your role in it. Are you a strong foot solider? Are you a caregiver, or maybe a leader? Every tribe needs a doctor, bookkeeper, lawyer, etc.
I encourage you to solidify your role in this tribe, if you haven’t already. Think about the ways you can or could influence this community. Everyone has a place and many of you have stepped into incredible experiences because of that very fact. We all add value.
If I thought we would be better off doing the workout of the day on our own, believe me we could hand out login info and passwords to download your workout online and we’d never see each other, but that isn’t the case. This tribe is better with you in it. If you’ve got skills, ideas, or want to barter, “The Nation” is open.
Logan Gelbrich
Monday’s Workout:
5 rounds:
In two minutes, perform:
200m Run
Max Barbell Thrusters (95/65)
-Rest 2 min-