Authenticity: The Deal Breaker

If you don’t have authenticity, do you really have anything at all? Just today I witnessed a woman who worked for a wellness company that provides world-class blood work and analysis that was unable to carry her own supplies to and from the venue. She had to ask another passerby to carry the modestly sized box of specimen kits.

As real as it gets.

Considering that she is an agent for a company that prides itself on optimizing fitness and performance from a level as detailed as blood work, does it diminish her credibility? Does it diminish some of the luster of such a lauded fitness brand?

I think so.

In many ways this is just like the iconic image of the overweight heart surgeon, or the pot smoking policeman, or the out of shape trainer. I understand this topic may be a sensitive one. Not everyone is perfect. I understand that. I think, though, that authenticity is something bigger and, in some ways, more specific than human flaws or mistakes.

Being genuine transcends these things.  Being genuine is about pride. Do you have it? Being genuine is about belief. Is your stance clear? Being genuine is about a standard. Do you hold yourself to it?


Logan Gelbrich


Thursday’s Workout:

3 rounds:

1 Minute Max SDLHP (115/75)

-Rest 1 Minute-

1 Minute Max Med Ball Slams

-Rest 1 Minute-

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