You want to know what’s absolutely crazy? Yesterday’s blog was read by nearly 400 unique individuals from 11 countries. Class attendance in the same day was less than 2% of that. So, though some days we may not touch thousands of people with burpees and overhead squats, we can in other ways.
The undeniable truth about the world we live in today is that information is king. People can quickly sift through the garbage, and believe me, there’s plenty to sift through. Whether your a student who is enrolled in our curriculum 3+ days a week, or whether you’ve never met me and you’re reading this from as far away as Croatia or Germany (like some folks did yesterday), I can’t emphasize enough the importance of sharing quality experiences and information with others.
Yesterday wasn’t such an impactful day for the website because of me. It was an impactful day because of the gym owners, doctors, mothers, sons, and such that shared something that they felt was valuable.
I guess this post is two fold. The first thing I’d like to do is thank you. You will never know what it means to me to validate my words when you share it with others. The second and most important part of the message doesn’t just relate to me. I’d ask that you all use your integrity and reputation to continue to raise the bar for the folks around you. If you experience something that others need to know about, get the word out!
When folks from every corner of the world can read about a gym without walls in Santa Monica, there’s no reason why we can’t move our society along to something better.
Please and thank you.
Logan Gelbrich
Saturday’s Workout:
5 rounds of AMRAP 3:
5 V-Ups
7 Squats
-Rest 1 min-