Slaying “What If”

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 38*

The ultimate prison can be your own mind. Free yourself of possible imprisonment from the question, “What if?” Leave no doubt. Recognize, also, that I am not making reference to performance or results. What I am referring to is your ability to show up.

In the game.

The concept can be used interchangeably with regards to a relationship, your fitness with us, the challenge, and so on. Don’t take the easy out and walk away not having given your best. The questions and wonder will begin to stir in your mind regardless of how much you say you don’t care.

Show up! Let the chips fall where they may, but you are no fortune teller, that’s for sure. Arguments like “it’s not working out” and “it’s not for me” are invalid in my book. Prove it! See the process through, then look back and say it didn’t work out (or it did). If you’ve “dropped the ball” on your challenge participation, it wouldn’t suffice to say you failed this time around while the rest of us are still plugging away, especially when some folks changed their lives in the first 8 days of the challenge. Pick a day to get back in the game and you might be 8 days away from something incredible. Furthermore, there isn’t a hiatus long enough to justify not training. We’re here, and the sooner you get back, the sooner we can make progress again.

Throwing in the towel may feel like a relief in the moment. But, the “what if’s” are a curse that can last a lifetime.

Logan Gelbrich


Complete the following for time:

200m Run
5 Power Snatch (115/75)
10 Back Squats
400m Run
10 Power Snatch
20 Back Squats
400m Run
15 Power Snatch
30 Back Squats
200m Run


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