Your Name: For the world to see

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 16*

Much like how your efforts are recorded on the whiteboard each day in class, there is an accountability piece to the full disclosure of the scoreboard for The Route 56 Challenge. Having your name listed next to a score that you’re responsible for creates a sense of ownership. Below is the up to date scoreboard for the challenge, with competitors ranked by score:

Like life.. "It pays to be a winner."

As you search for your name in this list, does it motivate you that over a thousand people will see this by Wednesday? Are you proud of your performance? Are you embarrassed? The more important question is, however, what are you going to do about it?

I’d like to recognize Taylor Gelbrich, Jaison Morgan, Danny Patterson, Jacob Hasset, and Molly Morgan for leading the charge. Well done! I’d also like everyone to take note of the names at the bottom of the list, if nothing more than to motivate them.  We all signed up to take this on for ourselves. I’d like you to take a moment to ask yourself if you’re playing to win or not.

It’s you’re game. Own it. Heck, you’re name is on the line!


Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

3 rounds for time:


15 KB Swings

15 KB Push Press

400m Run


**10 burpee penalty for dropping KB


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