Prepare to Win

*The Route 56 Challenge: Day 3*

Usually the excuses work well enough, at least among co-workers and friends. Health and wellness really is just “too hard” in the real world, and that’s why excuses work out there and the Lap Band is a multimillion dollar enterprise. Well, luckily for those of you that are enrolled in The Route 56 Challenge, excuses don’t score you any points.

You’re playing against people who’ve chosen to set excuses of lack of time, ability, or self-control aside. I hope you’ve chosen to do the same.


This challenge will be lost with a lack of preparation. No matter how committed one is, preparation will make or break them. What are you doing to prepare?

Barbell prep.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

15 minutes of Inversion Practice


5 Rounds:

30 KB Swings
50m OH Plate Carry
20 V Ups
50m OH Plate Carry


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