Though the stars aligned and FFOTB is thrilled that we will not have to cancel a single class session this holiday season, we realize that doesn’t mean you all aren’t traveling. If you’re on the road enjoying time with family and friends, it doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking of you. If you’re thinking of us and need some help– we are here!
This community and it’s coaches are a support group of omnipresent proportions. If you are a member here, part of what you can take advantage of is free coaching outside of class. While your coaches sure as heck can tell you what to do in class, we won’t be calling you on your vacation to tell what to do then. So, it’s up to you to take advantage of our “open door” policy.
We will program for you on the road or at home to supplement your training with us (in addition to nutrition guidance, accountability, and even goal setting)– Just ask!
However, I’d like to call your attention to the suitcase on the right hand side of our homepage. If you click on it, it will bring up more workouts than you could dream of doing. Most of them just require your self and a stopwatch.
Have a wonderful holiday! And please, take advantage of your coaches!
Logan Gelbrich
Saturday’s Workout:
200M Run
30 Lunges
20 KB Swings
10 Push Press