With the holiday season approaching, it time to step up your gift giving game! Were you really planning on getting jeans and iPods for everyone this holiday season?
It’d be too easy to make a “teach a man to fish” reference here, but it seems to me that giving an experience of life changing proportions might do the trick this holiday season when compared to it’s materialistic counterpart. Clothes come and go. Gadgets become obsolete. A lifestyle of health and wellness, however, is a unicorn of sorts for nearly every American. We all want it, but it remains ever so elusive.
Now, FFOTB gift cards are available online! These cards can be used for classes and/or items in the Pro Shop, such as fish oil and apparel. Click here to learn more!
Logan Gelbrich
Tuesday’s Workout:
2 rounds for time:
10 KB Push Press (Right)
10m KB Lunge
10 KB Push Press (Left)
10m KB Lunge
30 KB Swings
10m KB Lunge
30 KB Squats
10m KB Lunge
40m KB Waiters Carry (Back)