Universal Scalability

If it isn’t the community component to our program that gets you hooked, maybe it’s the results. If seeing the change in how you look and feel doesn’t do it for you, maybe it’s the fact that we have the ability to train outside with a breathtaking view. If you’re more of a philosopher, maybe you love FFOTB’s programming because it’s chalk full of functional movements found in nature.

At FFOTB, we can all get down!

No? If that’s doesn’t float your boat, then maybe the varied workouts are what brings you back, because Lord knows once working out gets boring, I’m out!

Though there is plenty here to hang your hat on, FFOTB has even more to get excited about. As a coach, I am most proud of the fact that our training is universally scalable. This means the lady with the torn meniscus, the Navy SEAL, the high school soccer player, and Tim, who is recently coming off a 25 year retirement from exercise, can all train together.

Not only can this eclectic group endure the same routine, or some form of it, together, but they all will get a positive adaptation from the training. Our programming is fully scalable, from the volume of work to ranges of motion to weights on movements.

I often blab about all of the above “features” of FFOTB. Today, however, we put our money where our mouth is. My beautiful mother (60), was in town and figured she would have to take class to see her son. Though she isn’t an avid exercising freak, her courage was enough to get her through the day just as well as anyone else. What’s your excuse?

FFOTB’s Target Market: Everyone… and their mother.



Logan Gelbrich



Wednesday’s Workout:

The “Better than Yesterday” Challenge Training


15 KB Front Squats

100m Run


-Rest 5 minutes-



15 Burpees

100m Run


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