Have you ever asked yourself what could be possible in your life if you were in the best shape possible? What would your life look like? Would you ride your bike to work? Would your dream vacation to South America be on the books? Would that rec league be on the agenda?
So often we evaluate what is possible as things currently stand, and for many that may be limited by our health and fitness. Regardless of where you may be now, you have the ability to attain a level of physical competency you haven’t had since the ole’ high school days, or better!
What am I saying? I am saying all the things that we simply “count out” due to our position in life, may still be in play. You– yes, you– could climb Everest. In this lifetime, you are still able to complete a marathon, or even that back packing trip through Europe that didn’t quite come to fruition after college.
On your journey to Elite Fitness, be sure to apply these new abilities and skills you’ve attained. And yes, whether you know it or not, you all have already gained so much already! Try a new sport. Bring back an old one. Guys and gals, it’s time to kick the ball around again!
So, I’ll ask you, what would be available to you if you were in the best shape of your life? And more importantly, what are you going to do to reach that level of fitness?
Logan Gelbrich
Tuesday’s Workout:
One Armed "Nancy" 5 Rounds for time of: 15 1-Arm Overhead Squat 400m Run