It’s all going down at 7:00pm at The Roosterfish in Venice Beach and you’re invited. The extended DEUCE Community is invited to celebrate another fortunate year in the greatest gym community the world has ever seen!
You’ll need a wristband to get into the private section of the venue, so please RSVP with this link. You can either pick up your wristband at the gym during classes today or you can meet one of the DEUCE Staff at the door to retrieve it there!
We’ll have small bites being passed around and a specially discounted cocktail menu at the bar for those with wristbands. We can’t wait to see you!
12/9/21 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
2 Push Press
1:00 Weighted Plank Hold
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
8 Renegade Rows(45/30)
12 Front Squats
30 Double unders
Kneeling Medball Chest Pass
Barbell Bench Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality:
10 DB Z-Press
12 Ab Wheel Rollouts
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps:
in :60 . . .
Max DB Snatches (70/50)
-Rest 1:00-