Join us for the annual (and infamous) DEUCE Holiday Party starting at 7:00pm Thursday December 9th. This year’s venue is a Venice staple, The Roosterfish owned by your fellow student Mario Vollera. We’re so excited to host you and celebrate another year of fitness and gratitude. Here’s the nitty gritty:
What: DEUCE Holiday Party 2021
When: Thursday December 9th (7:00-10:00pm)
Where: The Roosterfish (1302 Abbot Kinney Blvd, Venice, CA 90291)
Who: The Extended DEUCE Community
Dress: Night-on-the-Town/ Venice Casual/ Dress Up — Anything but workout gear!
Attendees can expect an outdoor gathering in the back of the venue with Hors d’oeuvres and snacks to be passed around for your enjoyment and a custom discounted drink menu at the bar. All are welcome, but attendees will need a wristband to gain access to our outdoor area. Please RSVP with this link. Once you RSVP, you’ll be able to pick up your wristband during regular class times on Wednesday December 8th, Thursday the 9th, or at the door.
See you on the dance floor!
12/3/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 Sumo Box Squat
5 Box Jump
Then, complete 4 rounds for time:
12 DB Thrusters(40/25)
10 Plate Overhead Reverse Lunges(45/25)
Barbell Bench Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Tate Press
12 DB Rear Flys
20 Banded Lat Pull Downs
Then, complete 12 rounds for time:
2 Bar Muscle Ups
4 Shoulder-to-Overhead (155/105)
6 Burpees-Over-the-Bar