It’s not uncommon to see tempos prescribed in our training here. Why? Short and sweet, increased time under tension is one way to get stronger.
This is not to say that speed isn’t important. But within the context of intentionally driving adaptation via tempos, consider how slowing down can positively impact other parts of your life, too – specifically when it comes to learning from mistakes.
Perhaps you’re familiar with the expression, Fail faster. Look, I am too. Though today – an alternative perspective to share with you when it comes to getting “knocked down,” via Tim Grover, former trainer of Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant:
“Every time I got knocked down, I stayed down for a little bit. Cause I wanted to know why I got knocked down. What was the reason I was down here? Because if I just jumped back up, I’m the same person that fell again.”
Listen now. The point here is not to grant permission to wallow in self-pity, or handle problems through unnecessary avoidance, apathy, or laziness. It is, however, a call to action to ensure that you’re taking enough time to consciously reflect on what went wrong the next time you make a mistake, rather than prematurely taking action again without a change in attitude & behavior.
Take the time you need to be better. Because as Grover puts it, “When I stand up, winning is gonna require me to be different.”
7/7/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
20 Double Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
10 Wall Walk Up Plank
Complete the following for time:
Barbell Deadlift (205/125)
*Corner Run between every round
Bent Row
Weighted Strict Dips
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:20 Superman Hold + 12 Hollow Rocks
12 Straight Arm Ring Rows
The, complete the following for time:
4 Rounds:
6 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95)
9 Pullups
12 Jump Squats
Bent Row
Weighted Strict Dips
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:20 Superman Hold + 12 Hollow Rocks
12 Straight Arm Ring Rows
The, complete the following for time:
Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (115/75)
Muscle Ups