Let’s be clear about what training is for the body. Training is a stimulus that yields a certain response. The kinds of responses (or adaptations) that training can yield include but are not limited to things like increased speed, increased muscle size, increased strength, increased work capacity, etc.
When training is designed it’s designed with a stimulus in mind. The role of coach, then, is to mediate the intended stimulus and the unique human(s) in front of him/her.
Now, that being said, this isn’t a perfect system because of the uncontrollable variable of choice. In many cases, the athlete ultimately has control over a margin of precision to the training. These choices include things like which scaling option to select, the load used for training, and how they attack each training bout.
What’s the lesson here?
If you’re a student, you have a direct contribution to the efficacy of your training. Ways to improve the decisions that can have an effect on the utility of your training are to increase self-awareness and to increase your commitment to the relative experience created by your coach. The more you know what you’re capable of and not capable of, the more precise decisions you can make in the gym. The best way to increase your athletic self-awareness is to keep a training log. The best way to commit to the relative experience being created by the coach is to make the best choice to align your performance with the context from the coach regardless of what others in class are doing.
The training is good, but it’s only as good as your decisions to be close with it.
1/6/21 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Snatch Grip Deadlift
800m Run
20 Slam Balls
20 Goblet Squats (60/40)
Then, complete the following for quality:
100 Banded Kick Backs